



Learning to draw in three-dimensional perspective. Gallery of student work.

Downoadable perspective grids you can print and use at home.

Accents Occidentally

Accents Occidentally

Hosted by Sir. Malaprop, this series helps viewers learn to speak in distinctive accents from around the world by interviewing native speakers, theater professionals and other resources.  

All That is In Me

All That is In Me

Dr. Gütwehl introduces the fascinating forms and functions of human anatomy and physiology, occasionally assisted by Forensic LNP Funei Bunz.

This series hopes to inspire students to appreciate the unimaginably incredible structures at work within each of the 100 trillion cells that make up the fascinating Body Human.

I Like Pi{e}

I Like Pi{e}

Physics and Chemistry have never been so tasty. Join Professor Rhubarb as he applies classic mathematic concepts to real-life problem solving that students can really sink their teeth into.

Our Micro-Macro Universe

Our Micro-Macro Universe

The cast of Tardigrades In Space introduces this discovery series about the unimaginably small and the ginormously hugeantic. It hopes to inspire a sense of awe and an appreciation for our uniquely fragile place in the universe.

EXAMPLE: Cup-o-Dirt Challenge: Collect a cup of soil from a lush corner of your yard or a nearby greenspace. Cover a baking sheet with white paper and dissect your sample into as many types of matter you can see with the naked eye. Document and share your findings with other students. Mr.Anderson will do the same experiment and post his findings.

A Different Drum

A Different Drum

Learn to make home-made instruments, including: drinking straw horns, rain sticks, marimba, pvc xylophone, etc.

Learn to make music with your body and every day objects: noggin’ cloggin’ and cheek slappin’, spoon hangin’ and clackin’, etc.

Nose Flutes: How-To, video of “Hanky Panky and the Nose Blowers” (Jon + puppets who all look like they’ve got colds…or real people).

Compassionate Commerce

Compassionate Commerce

Money-making business models for young entrepreneurs and school fundraisers.

EXAMPLE: “Hunka Burnin’ Love” upcycled fire starter: Paper tubes, dryer lint and broken crayons…unlimited donated supplies, team-building manufacturing parties, sales and marketing tutorials, customized labels, community forum.

Character Matters

Character Matters

Object lessons that instill classic virtues and positive social character traits with simple concepts. Hosted by Laverne, the “angel from the Lower East side, with a slightly bent halo.”

EXAMPLE: Toothpaste and Clean Speech; Rule of Law, etc.

Saving Hugh

Saving Hugh

Stereotyped as a mascot for wildlife conservation, Hugh is equally concerned for the welfare of humanity and an ecology of Stewardship: caring for another’s property with a spirit of ownership.

The Making Of

The Making Of

Behind the scenes documentaries that show every step of the audio/video production processes used to create the video lessons presented on

Will Include:  creature workshop, model and set building, videography and postproduction, etc.


Vision Quote

I began freelance graphic design with the following mission statement:

“AAP Creative captures the essence and communicates the passion of your purpose in the marketplace.  We are Stewards of Your Vision.”